About Business Made Easy

Business Made Easy has one goal: make business easy (who would’ve guessed).

It’s our mission here to render your big, heavy business book obsolete, get you good grades, and more importantly, learn only the most important business concepts. After sitting through hours of lectures, reading through hundreds of pages, and collectively taking down dozens of pages of notes, we realized how most people make business much harder than it has to be. With the ardent desire to make business accessible to everyone and give every student an easier time, we stripped down the non-essentials and present to you all you need to know about basic business (in bullet form!).

Business Made Easy is the product of two people passionate about business. Both of us hope that the notes in this website will allow you to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the intricacies of business, or at the very least, get you a passing grade in your exams.

We would like to thank our teachers, who taught both of us everything we know, and our classmates, for helping us compile these notes.


Kim De LeonAbout Business Made Easy

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